Amazing Chess Endgame Trick You Must Know
In today’s video I show you how to stop 2 protected passed pawns with your rook to avoid losing this chess endgame.
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Can you move the king the other way?
What if he moves his king to move up both pawns
Pawn c6?
why not after rc6 u go kd6? i suck at chess but this move seems better
I don't play alot of chess but I love solving puzzles and this puzzle is fun
I just checked it turns out you’re Emirati السلام من البحرين 🇧🇭 ❤️🇦🇪
Learning end game is best
And what if we go D7
that looked easy when u showed it…but i could have missed it in the actual game…being a 1600+
After rook goes back to control the past pawn and you push the other pawn when black moves his king closer king to d 7 wins the game
If Kd7 is done then black will move king or rook in order to still be able to kill a pawn and then if we push the c pawn then rook takes the b pawn and then the c pawn is pinnity ponnity pinned
What if white moves king d7?
in the second case he show the king more closer than in case 1
White Kb5 in the first position?
Pawn b6 joins the chat.
Your King was in chess WTF
White king d6 at beginning and it's over
what if he does not take the rook?
D6 after black's first move
White king d7 andddddd White win
but why do you need to promote you can push pawn behind king and then promote and then you second pawn is a quenn
Wouldn’t king b5 work too after first rook move cuz then rook can’t take right pawn and if the king is skewered then the pawn still protects it so you can move your king diagonally again and no more checks exists so you can start pushing
After c6 Kd5, Kd7 Rb1, c7 Rxb7 draws.
Lol king d7, White will be win
bro thats dumb u can't attak a pawn with king like this cuz thats a check
What if he does not take the rook? But goes back to protect the pawns
"How do I do this move with my opponent? "
What if the black king approach and… I just walk by?
im starting to think that chess is a racist game
I think kd6 for white king controlling the c pawn. The rook can't take it, so black will move his king.
White will progress with c pawn paralling the b pawn. That 's it.
I like this channel because it’s entertaining and very instructive unlike some other chess shorts channels rn lol
In this position…could you checkmate with black?
What if king goes d7 at the end
The only way black would win this game is if they go Rook b5, and then White moves the King. Any other combination is a draw or a loss for black
What if kd5 after black plays rc3
the king was closer from the first game
Rook d7 what can u do now
White to move, pawn on b7 and pawn on c6 and king on c7! (The king can move to d7 – the pawns are protected and you can promote them?)
Why didn’t he do this???
d5 king is under check so it’s not good
cool Zugzwang
If the king is on c7, we move to d 7 and protect a pawn can we win like that
In second variation king can go on d7 if rook takes the pawn takes rook king can't chase the pawn and white wins
One question: Instead of Queening what if white play Kingd7 what will we do
Nice problems, but too much boom boom noise hiperactive trashh splash booboom statam.
If you know what I mean…
Well I suck at chess but at one point king puts himself into check
white wins after the first move kd6 wihout pushing b7
This is why I promote to a knight
What about king d7?
Considering that Black had a Rook vs 2 Pawns endgame I consider that a draw is still a loss, cus if you are 3 points up on the board and needing to draw or lose, that's embarrassing.