Master the Chess Endgame! – Lecture by GM Susan Polgar

♕ DVD:

Rook endgames are considered one of the most difficult topics to study in chess because the difference between winning and drawing is extremely subtle. Frequently in rook endgames you can have a small advantage that is enough to win in the hands of an experienced Grandmaster, however a beginner or intermediate chess player is likely to play inaccurate moves that allow the opponent chances to escape. In the following chess video excerpt from ¨Learn the Endgame the Easy Way, Essential Basic Endgames – Part 2¨ Grandmaster Susan Polgar explains common patterns in rook endgames and how you can apply these deep ideas in your own games!

Learn more about endgames:


  1. I love it, please continue this beginners thing!!! Learning a lot!

  2. What happened to Will Stewart's Blitz games? 

  3. Very interesting! Thank you very much for sharing.

  4. nice to repetere the basic things here !

  5. Excellent Susan! Thanks for being such a great chess teacher!

  6. Great Endgame lesson – thanks Susan

  7. The  video was helpful to me thanks for giving us the lesson

  8. Thanks Susan! You explain it very clearly And the fact that you and your accent are  amazingly cute doesn't hurt as well. Greetings from Belgrade.

  9. Ok, but when are we going to learn the crane technique?

  10. Very nice. I am always afraid of tricks in end game. This may make me more confident in dealing with such situations.

  11. I appreciate you Susan, for your tutorials on chess in general. you are a big inspiration to me to keep up w/my chess games. Keep Playing Chess Susan, and keep winning

  12. Beautiful chess lecture & even more beautiful lecturer ! Wonderful !

  13. Thank you Susan Polgar.
    Love your teaching.
    They are always well prepared and professional.
    Always learn something new.
    Really appreciate it.
    Thank you.

  14. in the third position after Nf7 white can just capture the knight and black cant capture the rook as the king is protecting the rook

  15. Thank you so much GM Susan Polgar.. I just can't understand the endgame until now. I really appreciate your lecture. You're the best! <3

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