Practical Chess Endgames for Club Players 😲 IM Valeri Lilov [Endgame Renaissance]

Want to squeeze every last half-point from your chess endgames?
🤔 Learn how to think in the endgame like a master with IM Valeri Lilov’s new course, Practical Chess Endgames for Club Players. Get instant access with 35% off! â–º

After hours of play against a tough opponent, you finally reach an endgame. Your edge is slight and, in 20 moves time, the result will be known. Whether you win or draw depends on how you conduct those next 20 moves.

IM Valeri Lilov is here to arm you with all the skills you need to squeeze every last half-point from your endgames with his new course, Practical Chess Endgames for Club Players.

The focus is entirely on the type of positions you encounter in real play. You will learn how to think in the endgame; how to make progress in tricky positions and how to coordinate your pieces like a master.

In this exclusive free preview, IM Valeri Lilov focuses on piece activity, a crucial part of the endgame. The concept of piece activity is extremely important in any practical endgame. Are
your opponent’s pieces tied to passive defense? Do you have open files or outposts for your pieces?

Valeri shows how piece activity trumps material in the endgame: Whenever you can, maximize the strength of your pieces and make them as active as possible – even at the cost of a little bit of material, this can greatly improve your position and help you to win games that may not have seemed winnable at first. Material is often not as relevant as the initiative in endgames.

Usually, it is not wise to give up valuable pieces for a single pawn in endgames. Pawn grabbing should be avoided because activity outweighs material in most endgames.

You should also make sure to let all your pieces participate in the endgame and improve all your pieces as much as you can. Don’t play with only half your army!

Valeri covers these points, and more, along with practical examples, in the video.

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