Spectacular Queen Sacrifice !!! #chess #shorts #viral

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  1. Bruh why the queen dont take the bishop ?

  2. Bro,but first u should play the rook to e8 and then bishop

  3. you can't take the bishop as a queen then the rook e8 was already there

  4. But what happens when the queen captures your bishop? Your checkmate idea is a big flop 😂

  5. With the king so being so vulnerable, white is 5 points ahead here. Also, the queen move wasn't even the best move. And last, all moves for black you showed were blunders. Black should play Knight E5, and goes from white being +5 to white being +4 after these moves.

  6. Thé computer plays Knight e5 after Queen c7, it's the only move

  7. qc7 is forced mate black has knight e5 and you can take the bishop and you have a winning position. But bd5 leads to forced mate no matter what. Please actually research the position before posting it on youtube

  8. How does 1 learn to see things like this?

    Is it possible?

  9. With this bad English and your pronunciation you shouldn’t be making video in English. It’s unbearable to listen to. STOP IT!!!

  10. Why does the rook pin itself if it moves to the square it was on it can take the bishop

  11. Knight e7 looks manageable for black tell me if I'm wrong

  12. First of all i would never get my king in the corner without any pawns defebding it and would never let two rooks double files to backrank check me

  13. 🕵🕵‍♂️🦧🕵‍♀️🕵‍♂️🤔🦧

  14. But give me time to think, maybe i could find that queen move

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